Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Finally!! I've finished burning the thousands of cd's my mum asked me to burn oh-so-long ago...(maybe i'm exagarating,it was just 5, but still, it's taking like forever!!)
the thing is, I can't believe that i'm actually blogging at exactly 1.39a.m. Craziness...
It's normal if I sleep late, but blogging at this hour, I'm actually surprised with myself!! i know I should be sleeping early and all...(sorry Michelle) but I really don't feel like sleeping at all...
I noticed that I've been updating a lot this holidays, shows how LIFELESS I least I've got an updated blog now..
As I was copying the cd's, the lifeless me suddenly decided to go to Vanessa's blog and read the archives..I know, how it got me thinking back about all the fun times we had together...I was like laughing the whole way while reading her blog, especially THOSE parts, if you get what I mean. I just LOVE the way Van writes, so interesting and hillarious!! Well, I really really miss those times....
I guess I have promised to put up a post about vbs, but I'm just so lazy...anyways, its not like anybody requested or something, I don't think i'll blog bout vbs...depends really.
well, I shall stop here now. Its excactly 1.50 am now.Really should be sleeping...*yawns*
1.51 am...Xp

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