Friday, October 29, 2010

Change can be scary..

but life goes on..

Time flies, and yes, again,I've not been updating
, but like anybody checks anyway..Today, I went to CF and Ps. Alexa was the guest speaker, she talked about how life isn't fair. Indeed it isn't, but if so is God not fair then since he created life?
because life is NOT God,
so God is still fair in the end..

So many things have happened and yes, change can be very scary..but in the end, nothing lasts forever, except God's love of course.

I read in twitter just the other day
'People hold on to memories because that's the only thing that doesn't Change '

and that is so true, people often live in past glories and in the end, don't improve from where they were and in the end, never get anywhere..
it's scary to see the one you thought you always knew, change into someone else, and it's even scarier to see how much I have changed..
I can sometimes be so high, happy and full of myself, but yet sometimes be so down and depressed thinking that people's perspective of me will change anytime..
If you had a chance to look inside my mind, you would see how messed up my thoughts are, sometimes, i don't even understand why I'm like that..

Changes happen everyday and in my opinion, the only thing we can do is to change our perspective of that situation and make lemonade out of lemons.
I, for one, do not like changes, especially drastic, negative, unwanted, unexpected changes, but it's bound to happen and I guess it's the thing that makes life interesting. I can't imagine how it would be like if everything rotates around routine work, life would be so mundane and boring, but easy though! heh! I get bored of something easily and it's actually scary to see how fast I do! Then again, i'm always waiting and wanting for something different, better to happen, changes for the better, myself to change, (and that's hard) but i guess everything has it's pros and cons. In the end, we should always do something to
Change lives, change the world!

Changes, good or bad are going to happen whether i like it or not so I'm going to face everyday with new hope, knowing that while everything else changes,
God doesn't.

i wonder why blogger do not have any other fonts, these fonts are so boring :C
My mind always turn blank when I start to blog so I'm so sorry for the short post.

I shall girly-fy this blog by showing you the things i do
when my mind flutters away while studying...

spot the purple nails!

look, even my physics book are still left unopened!

Pimples!! *gasp*
I'm too lazy to photoshop them, so wtv..

all the self obsessed pictures..*guilty* haha

I'm soooo weird!!!
hah..but I know I'm not the only one like that Xp
don't tell me you don't do that too..hehe

Exams ends in 4 more daysss~!! and I can't wait!

till then,
Natasha <3